Author Spotlight with Comic Creator Andy Chang

Author Spotlight - Andy Chang

This month we begin our Author Spotlight series featuring Andy Chang, author of the slice-of-life comic collection Northwood Meadows: Lifestyle. Join our favorite creature citizens as they navigate society, politics, and the ongoing pandemic with refreshing humor. In Northwood Meadows, common sense and humor are all part of the lifestyle.

Northwood Meadows: Lifestyle  Andy Chang is an independent comic artist– based in New jersey. He has made several children-friendly/all-age comics-such as Add-Zero and Adventures of Sniffy – prior to the creation of Northwood Meadows.

His style of art was inspired by a mixture of Japanese Manga and the Sunday comics – whimsical and simplistic- but the stories he creates references a funny take on the reality of the ever-changing daily life.

What do you want your readers to know about Northwood Meadows?

Northwood Meadows is a collection of animals in a comic strip format that holds fun adventures and mini-lessons for everyone, created and drawn with a purpose to humor and bring life-issues to the surface. I wanted to create a comic showing how an odd group of animals’ copes with each other and how they would handle real-life problems and current issues that we all face in our ever-changing world.

What inspired you to write Northwood Meadows?

Northwood Meadows was inspired by my need for a medium that offers a simple to read comics that can open a discussion on more complicated issues- and I write it to have fun sharing with my youngest daughter – who is now 8 years old.

You have such an eclectic cast of characters with their own distinct personalities and style. How do you decide which characters to include in Northwood Meadows?

The characters in NWM – all have a unique personality that I envision that individual is perceived as in general, but in a sarcastic way. For example – Bob the bear always has the facts, and Phil (penguin) always contradicts that and offers a different take.

What's your favorite quote/moment from Northwood Meadows?

One of my favorite comic strips is from the (early – ashcan format) of the very first comic strip I did of the original NWM sketches – which talks about Bob searching for a job – and Fred (frog) responded the following:

Northwood Meadows Strip

Top 5 books that everyone needs to read

Top 5 books that everyone needs to read
1) Northwood Meadows: Lifestyle
2) Nuts! Southwest Airlines; Crazy Recipe for Business
3) Schulz and Peanuts
4) How to Draw Comics (the Marvel way)
5) Guide to Understanding Money and Investing

What are you reading right now?

In search of Excellence – by Thomas Peters

What are your reading goals for 2023?

Read more biographies – of either Walt Disney or Charles Schulz

Anything else that you want our readers to know?

Keep a lookout for new NWM books coming out soon – and if you’re interested in my other books – search for “Add-Zero” and “Adventures of Sniffy 1 & 2”

Find out more about Andy Chang and Northwood Meadows, available wherever books are sold!

Read all the Author Spotlights

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