Happy Anniversary to Itua Uduebo and Parade of Streetlights

It was a year ago this June that readers were welcomed into the world of Kolawole Idowu, and got a chance to tag along with his friends, frequent some of his favorite spots in the city, and more importantly watch Kola as he strives to understand what it means to live a meaningful life amidst all the noise and distractions of the world. 
Named a selection at Bookfest 2023 (where Itua was a featured speaker), and the CLMP Black History Month Reading List, critics have called it a "must-read coming-of-age story." Parade of Streetlights showcases why Itua Uduebo is one of the new voices in Millennial Fiction. 
Find out more about the journey of Parade of Streetlights and Itua on his Author Profile.
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