Furious Readers, we love Book Publishers Day because it gives us a chance to celebrate the publishers we admire and to celebrate how far we’ve come as an independent press. Of course, 2025 feels extra special since we’re celebrating ten years of everything Read Furiously.
For a little publishing house that could, we’ve learned a lot over these ten years. In honor of Book Publishers Day, we wanted to share a few of our favorite lessons:
We still love books.
You would think running a business where you constantly discuss, think, and talk about books would make someone fall out of love with reading. Since creating Read Furiously, we found it was the opposite - if anything, it just reminded us how special it is to be part of this ever-growing industry.
Books bring people together.
Independent bookstores, booksellers, librarians, writers, publishers, editors, illustrators, educators, authors, readers (and more!) - the people we’ve met have supported us, encouraged us, educated us, and inspired us to be our very best. Whenever we host an event or launch a title, we are reminded that books have the magic to connect us.
Independent bookstores, booksellers, librarians, writers, publishers, editors, illustrators, educators, authors, readers (and more!) - the people we’ve met have supported us, encouraged us, educated us, and inspired us to be our very best. Whenever we host an event or launch a title, we are reminded that books have the magic to connect us.
Our authors are the best.
I’m sure every publisher says this, but it’s exceptionally true for us. Throughout these ten years, we have worked with authors at every stage of our publishing house. From the early years of doing it all ourselves to building a team to support our incredibly talented authors, it’s an incredible privilege to have our authors trust us with their words. When you support an independent author, you’re supporting a dream. We are so lucky to be a part of so many dreams.
Read Furiously has made us actually read more furiously.
We created Read Furiously out of our love of books, but over the years, we had no idea how much our appreciation and curiosity toward the book culture would grow. It’s easy to forget about the big “why” with a day-to-day life filled with checklists, emails, and meetings. When we do take a moment to look at the big picture, it’s awe-inspiring. Read Furiously has taught us, and continues to teach us, to seek out the books that matter to us and to focus on the journey rather than the yearly number.
I’m sure every publisher says this, but it’s exceptionally true for us. Throughout these ten years, we have worked with authors at every stage of our publishing house. From the early years of doing it all ourselves to building a team to support our incredibly talented authors, it’s an incredible privilege to have our authors trust us with their words. When you support an independent author, you’re supporting a dream. We are so lucky to be a part of so many dreams.
Read Furiously has made us actually read more furiously.
We created Read Furiously out of our love of books, but over the years, we had no idea how much our appreciation and curiosity toward the book culture would grow. It’s easy to forget about the big “why” with a day-to-day life filled with checklists, emails, and meetings. When we do take a moment to look at the big picture, it’s awe-inspiring. Read Furiously has taught us, and continues to teach us, to seek out the books that matter to us and to focus on the journey rather than the yearly number.
There’s still more to do.
We love getting to publish a diverse chorus of talented authors and we know we’re just getting started. We have so many ideas for the next ten years - whether it’s the books we publish, the causes we support, and the authors we champion. We have big plans.
We have no idea what the next ten years will look like, but, as every Furious Reader knows, we start one page at a time. Thanks for being a part of our story.